longer makes sense. Consult any legal firm for guidance if feel that divorcing is your most suitable option.
If you’re newly married but are already finding the union no longer working for you, you will need to wait for a year prior to filing for divorce because you can’t divorce before the one year has passed after the wedding. If you are wondering, are husbands and wives able to have a divorce? It is important to know that the law allows married couples to file divorce cases.
When you file your divorce request, the procedure must be completed within 12 months. It is roughly the duration of the divorce procedure. The 12-month time frame applies even if the divorce matter does not be heard in court. The divorce process would last on average 18 months.
It is possible to divorce based on fault or without. This means that no one of the divorcing duo has to establish who is guilty. Are there ways to challenge the divorce which isn’t based solely on fault? You might be wondering. The divorce of a perfect couple is not contestable until the court believes that it is necessary to investigate the matter further. o33ujurfsd.