There are a variety of options available for soil remediation. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Soil vapor extraction, commonly known as SVE is the most popular choice. Subsurface soil contamination is eliminated as vapour using vacuums that are powerful. Though this procedure is common, it has positive and negative aspects. This is ones that require the least amount of maintenance. This method can be operated this cost-effectively. The cons of this method are that it is only effective on soil that is coarse. Electronic Resistance Heating or ERH is another technique. As with SVE There are advantages and disadvantages to this technique too. Subsurface soils are treated with electricity or even contaminated. One of the advantages is that this process works throughout geological conditions. It’s efficient both above and below the ground. It has its pros and cons. It needs specialized equipment. It is not easy to determine what is involved in this process. The chemical oxidation process is next method. A major pro of this is its speed of action. This video can provide additional details for anyone who is interested.
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